Το Τουρκοκυπριακό χωριό Γεροβάσα όπως είναι σήμερα
Το Τουρκοκυπριακό χωριό Γεροβάσα όπως είναι σήμερα


Villages in Cyprus - Gerovasa, Trozena valley, Limassol

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The village of Gerovasa is found on the west slope of the valley of Trozena, two kilometres from the village that has the name of the valley.

Gerovasa was a non mixed Turkish Cypriot village and its residents lived and cooperated peacefully with the Greek Cypriot residents of Trozena. Together they used the waters from the headwaters found in the area of Trozena, as well as the waters from the confluent of Diarizos.

The arable land of both villages did not stand out geographically. As a result, we cannot divide the villages of Gerovasa and Trozena today, and therefore they are referred to as a single village, Gerovasa-Trozena.

The increasing needs of life and the changes in the way of life of the Cypriots on one hand, as well as the indefference of the government concerning the mountain areas on the other, lead to the abandonment of the two villages by their settlers, resulting to us having just ruins in the place of the once beautiful villages.

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Photo Album ix-andromeda (Gerovasa)

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