Kato Vrisi in Louvaras, Limassol
Kato Vrisi in Louvaras, Limassol

Kato Vrisi - Louvaras

Places in Cyprus - Taps - Kato Vrisi, Louvaras, Limassol

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“Kato Vrisi” is found on the south side of the village of Louvaras in the District of Limassol. At the beginning of a green ravin, on the base of a small hill, where the village is built, water gushes out from the ground.

The settlers, who for many years were supplied with necessary for their households water from the tap, built it and transformed it, just like they transformed the surrounding area to a paved square.

“Kato Vrisi” was and still is the “font” in which the Water becomes Holy at Epiphany.

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Photo Album ix-andromeda (Kato Vrisi - Louvaras)

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