Destinations tagged as: vrisi tou diakou

This is the image that Vrisi tou Diakou (the tap of the deacon) has today while once it was very beautiful
This is the image that Vrisi tou Diakou (the tap of the deacon) has today while once it was very beautiful

Places in Cyprus - Taps - Vrisi tou Diakou, Ezousa Valley, Paphos Forest, Paphos

Vrisi tou Diakou (the tap of the deacon) is found 3 kilometres south of the picnic area of Agia, within the valley of the river of Ezousa, if you are travelling from Stavros tis Psokas towards the dam of Kannaviou.

The source of the tap is found a few metres away from the dirt road and th...

District: Paphos