The dam found in the area of Ora
The dam found in the area of Ora

Ora small dam

Dams in Cyprus - Ora dam, Ora, Mountainous Larnaca, Larnaca

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Northwest of the village of Ora, in the mountain area of Larnaca, there is a small dam. Its basin is padded with a membrane, so as to not have any rates of absorption. Its height is 18 metres and it has a capacity of 62 thousand cubic metres of water.

In the mountain area of Larnaca, there are many dams of this type and each one of them creates its own ecosystem such at its shores as at the areas it irrigates.

The fact that they are found in mountain areas, in combination with the morphology of the mountains of Cyprus, make them beautiful destinations such for a simple visit as for the study of the flora and fauna that adapt with the specifications of each one separately.

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Photo Album ix-andromeda (Ora small dam)

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