The lake formed by the dam of Kalopanagiotis
The lake formed by the dam of Kalopanagiotis

Kalopanagiotis dam

Dams in Cyprus - Kalopanagiotis dam, Marathasa valley, Nicosia

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The water dam of Kalopanagiotis is found a few hundreds of metres after the station of Orkontas. It is built on way of the river Setrachos and can store 363 thousand cubic metres of water. The height of the dam reaches 49 metres and it creates a deep and impressive lake.

From the dam (that is accessible with a path that passes over the impressive spillway), the visitor can admire the whole lake and the amazing views that the village of Kalopanagiotis can offer, as it “ascends” from the height of the lake on the surrounding mountain peaks.

On the north shore of the dam and on the depth of the Setrachos’ riverbed, there is a very big trout aquarium. The fish that are bred, enrich the dozens of dams that exist in Cyprus and some quantity is offered at the market in order to gain income for smooth farming.

The water dam is the favourite place of hundreds of fishermen. Thus you will see dozens of them fishing on its shores. The species of fish that you may find in the lake are the Rainbow trout, the Brown trout, Alburnus and Mosquito fish.

A strange rumour says that a monster lives and terrorises the fishermen in the lake of this dam! A huge crocodile. We spend many hours in the area.  We walked around the whole lake, we entered clusters of aquatic shrubs. We entered reeds that are found on the shores of the lake but unfortunately the… monster did not honour us with its presence. Who knows? Maybe it will “welcome us” upon our next visit.

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Photo Album ix-andromeda (Kalopanagiotis dam)

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