Victoria’s Garden was once Nicosia’s ornament
Victoria’s Garden was once Nicosia’s ornament

Victoria’s Garden

Parks in Cyprus - Victoria’s Garden, Nicosia

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Victoria’s Garden is found on the triangle formed by the avenues of Nehru, the Museum and Kinira. At times, some of its areas were transformed for other uses. The Parliament’s ugly building and a cafe-restaurant were placed instead of the trees and flowers that were in the area. In another great part of it, an architecturally beautiful theatre was built, that unfortunately collapsed due to poor workmanship.

The garden’s story goes back to 1901, to the decision of the local authority of the period to buy the area and to create a garden instead.

For many years, it was the place that the English occupiers of Cyprus, used for walks with their families.

During the twenty-fifth presence of Mr. Lellos Demetriades in the position of the mayor and Mr. Andreas Savvides in the position of the Director of the department of gardens in Nicosia, Victoria’s garden, or how every citizen of Nicosia knows it the municipal park, had evolved greatly and it was really an abloom garden. Flowers were planted all year round, in great areas, and gardeners from the department of gardens took care of them on a daily basis. The department of gardens employed its Director, 3 monitors, 1 taskmaster, a permanent plumber, a permanent carpenter, 3 tanker drivers and 65 gardeners.

After the two of them left, the garden was transformed into a park. Its name was changed and it became the “park of peace”. The real citizens of Nicosia abandoned it, and 65 years later foreigners came to use it once again.

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Photo Album ix-andromeda (Victoria’s Garden)

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